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Who We Are

Our Mission

Founded in 1943, the Alabama Recreation and Park Association (ARPA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional organization representing more than 900 professionals delivering park, recreation and therapeutic recreation services in local, county, state, school district, private and agency settings. We are dedicated to advancing the profession in our state through leadership, education, advocacy, promotion and service.

The ARPA enables parks and recreation affiliates and professionals, through educational and networking opportunities, to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Alabama each and every day. ARPA empowers members to make a difference and impact communities, blazing the trail for generations to come. We strive to ensure health, wellness, safety and access for all. The benefits of parks and recreation are endless, serving individuals, our communities, our environment and our economy.

The ARPA is an official affiliate of the National Recreation and Parks Association.

We Provide:

Benefits to the Economy

  • Community tourism and special events, property value benefits and increased business opportunities.

Benefits to the Individual

  • Psychological benefits, personal growth and development, social and cultural benefits.

Benefits to the Environment

  • The environmental and economic benefits of urban trees and forests have a significant impact on increased real estate values, energy savings, improved air quality and storm water management. Sports fishing activities alone account for between $1 and $2 billion in Alabama’s economic gain.

Benefits to the Community

  • Decreased crime rates, Enhanced quality of life and produces pride in the community through social interactions and community projects.