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State Certification

Professional Recreator Certificate


The PRC was created due to several reasons. There was a decrease in CPRP certified members, and there were numerous requests from ARPA members for a certification program on the state level. A committee was formed and met several times in 2012 to debate options for the PRC. They came up with a certificate program called the Professional Recreator Certificate.


A bachelor’s level academic program in parks in recreation or closely related field or a minimum of 2 years of full-time experience in the parks and recreation field.

To achieve the certificate, one must complete a minimum of 20 hours in a 3-year period. Hours are earned by attending sessions at conference, workshops, etc. Hours not CEU approved by ARPA must be petitioned to and approved by the committee. Hours must be completed in 5 categories, with a minimum of 4 hours in categories 1-4 and 2 hours in Therapeutic Recreation. Two additional hours must be earned in any category the candidate chooses.


  1. Administration
  2. Athletics
  3. Recreation Programming
  4. Maintenance
  5. Therapeutic Recreation

The purpose of the diversity among the categories is to help prepare the individual for the CPRP, should they choose to sit for it, as well as provide a well-rounded professional. The certificate is valid for a 3-year period. Each participant is responsible for keeping copies of hours as well as submitting paperwork for renewal.


  1. Complete application and send it along with a $25 application fee to the state office
  2. Earn 20 hours within 3 years
  3. Submit copies of hours and $25 certificate fee to the state office. Certificate can be requested at any time during the 3 years.
  4. Certificate is good for a 3-year period. Every 3 years one must provide the state office with a renewal request including copies of hours and $25 renewal fee.


$25 initial application fee, $25 certification fee and $25 every 3 years to renew, plus costs of workshops, conferences, etc.

Those with a current CPRP will be able to obtain the PRC by paying the application fee for the first 3 years. A CPRP renewal rate will be $12 every 3 years. A CPRP must gain 20 hours in 2 years. This is to reward those taking the extra step to obtain the CPRP and encourage then to carry a PRC as well.